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與“小鲜肉”PK 职場男性流行打美容针









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發表於 2023-8-4 18:25:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

More and more men are jumping on the Botox train - and are finding all sorts of reasons to give the toxin a try.

An impressive 453,281 male patients got botulinum toxin injections last year, increasing the number of total procedures by 9.9 percent for both men and women, according to a recent study by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Plastic sur防霉防水膠帶,geons have become used to seeing men in their practices. Several of them told the Huffington Post what motivates their male clients to tr魚便收集器,y the procedure, from wanting to remain competitive in the workplace to finding inspiration on social media.

Men too feel pressured to look young and feel that a more youthful appearance might help them to retain their jobs longer, according to the physicians, who said patients from 35 to 65 years old were interested in Botox.

'They're simply having more procedures done because they want to maintain the competitiveness in an increasingly ageist workplace,' Dr Daniel Mills, president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, told the Daily Mail website.

Doctors Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow, who both star on E!'s Botched, agreed with Mills.

'The younger and better you look, the better chance you have to stay in the market and compete. It's as simple as that,' Dubrow said.

Most frequently, men want the toxin injected around their eyebrows and eyes, according to the doctors.

Significant others and spouses can also play a part in convincing a man to step inside the plastic surgeon's office. Some of them become more comfortable with the procedure after seeing a loved one having it, while others simply claim their other half demanded they get the injections.

'Men blame their spouses with the 'I don't care but my wife/girlfriend wants me to do it,' excuse,' Dubrow added.

The trend is also self-perpetuating. After seeing more and more men coming into their practices, doctors have started paying more attention to them.

In the past, a man visiting a plastic surgery website would have seen mostly procedures aimed at women, Dr Daniel Maman told the Huffington Post.

'Now we have a dedicated tab on our website for men and it has galleries showing pictures of men,' he added.

Social media - and the desire to look great on an online dating profile - have also inspired more and more male to give the toxin a try.

'I think with social media and men wanting to look good―since honestly a lot of the older men are going out with younger women―they do want to use Botox,' Nassif said.

Most men likely to get Botox tend to have higher incomes, and many of them work in the art, fashion, law or business industries, the physicians sa廢鐵回收,id.

But they insisted that male patients of all backgrounds had resorted to the toxin.

'I have Asian men, I have African-American men, I have white men, I have everyone,' Dr Seth Matarasso said. 'I have a huge Republican CEO getting Botox. He's a Trumpite and he's a toxin junkie.'

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